
Cheque for CliniClowns from ITdonations - NEG-ITsolutions team

Cheque for CliniClowns from ITdonations - NEG-ITsolutions team
NEG-ITSolutions- Bedrijf plus Clini Clowns - Goede doel

On 10 September, the ITdonations & NEG-ITSolutions team participated in the Alpine Tour to raise money for Cliniclowns.

It was a strenuous and wonderful adventure, both the preparation and climbing the Stelvio. A steep climb of 24 kilometres, with 48 hairpin bends. All team members made it to the top and they are immensely proud of that.

They are even more proud of the fact that with their personal efforts they were able to raise the beautiful amount of € 7,641.95 for CliniClowns. With these proceeds, CliniClowns can offer even more sick children and people with disabilities or dementia a carefree moment.

A small delegation of the team presented the cheque to Diane van Hesteren (relationship manager) of CliniClowns.

Super thanks for all the donations and support the team received from her colleagues, family and friends in doing so.

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